shala darpan

why this has been launched

Shala darpan is an initiative launched in Kendriya vidayalya[kvs] with effect from June as 2015 intended to serve as a single integrated platform to address academic and administrative requirements of various holders such as students ”teachers schools management and parents .using shala darpan parents can see better updates in their children they can see to attain their children good marks and teachers can also maintain their attendance record . the main aim of this initiative to provide mobile phones to those parents their children study in government schools and also provide an internship program for teachers .today information technology plays an important role to run an organization smoothly. it was launched to improve the education system by shala darpan portal to provide better insights to its schools and their children also and they can get benefit in the future. basically, shala darpan is a dynamic database management portal for government and government-aided schools shala darpan was started by [rmsa] Rashtriya Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyan now rmsa has changed into smsa stands for samagra Shiksha Abhiyan now shala darpan is run by SMSA.                    

benefits of shala darpan

1 using shala darpan people can see improvement in their children’s studies but these benefits can only from government schools.
2 it can also give benefits to teachers that can provide internship in government schools.
3 in this live data is compiled in connection with primary and secondary students' school's records can also be submitted academic as well non-academic schools . 4 mobile phones can we provide to the parents of those children can be studied in government schools. 5.the main aim of shala darpan to improve the education of government schools and also provide a good faculty in their schools to improve the conditions of government schools.
Using shala darpan parents can view updates on their child’s progress. They can view updates on their children’s progress. They can view a record of attendance, assignments, and achievements of their child. The ministry aims to launch the service in the 2015 academic session. Shala darpan portal of Rajasthan teachers in this site they can working about teachers of Rajasthan about all work is related to government school students internship program for teachers and much more work .the first phase of shala darpan to cover all the 1099 Kendriya Vidyalaya was launched on 05.06.2015.the same is presently under implementation through national informatics center services(NICSI) .the objective of this project is to provide services based on school management, employee information, student attendance, leave management, report cards, curriculum tracking custom, SMS alerts for parents /administrators on student and teacher attendance.                                                                                                       

Implementation by states

The concept of the program has been circulated to the states for their consideration and further action regarding the introduction of a similar system in the state of government schools. In response to the aforesaid letters state government. Of Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chattisgarh, Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Manipur, Nagaland and Uttar Pradesh have shown their willingness to implement informed that they have already implemented a similar project. The states of Assam. Odisha and Puducherry evinced, interest to implement the project if financial apportionment is provided.states of Assam Odisha and Puducherry evinced interest to implement the project if financial support is provided. shala darpan is a portal organized by Rajasthan government. it is very beneficial to all those students that are studied in the government schools. shala darpan is a very good scheme to the people of Rajasthan because in Rajasthan people cannot believe in studying their children to the school they will support in their parents profession it was a very good achievement to the children and their parents also to send their children in the school for studying school is that place where people can know and learn too, many things but today parents can motivate by this portal of government to study more by their children they expect more that one time they can handle their profession take an extraordinary place at one time so shala darpan is a portal to take care of students study.


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