digital marketing

digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies on the internet through mobile phone apps display advertising and any other digital mediums. digital marketing channels are systems based on the internet that can create accelerate and transmit product value from producer to a consumer terminal through digital networks. digital marketing activities are still growing across the world according to the headline global marketing index. a study published in September 2018 found that global outlays on digital marketing tactics are approaching. it was started since 1990 and has changed the way brands and businesses used technology in 2020. digital marketing can provide you a best services such as SEO stands for search engine optimization, search engine marketing {SEM} content marketing, influencer marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, email marketing, digital marketing extends to on internet channels such as television, mobile phones, etc. this extension to internet channels helps to differentiate digital marketing to online marketing.                                                                               advantages;                                                                  1. advantage of digital marketing is that the reach is so large there are no limitations on the geographical reach that it can have this allows companies to become international and expand their customer's reach to other countries other than the country it is based on originate form.                                                                                                                                                                            marketing is easy to be measured allowing a business to know the reach that their marketing is making whether digital marketing is working or not and the amount of activity and conversation that is involved.                                                                                                                  disadvantages:                                                                             advertising is a large number of competing goods and services that are also using the same digital marketing strategies.                                                                                                           2.even an individual or small group of people can harm the image of an established brand. 

development and strategies

as digital marketing is dependent on technology which is ever-evolving fast changing the same features should be expected from digital marketing development and strategies. this potion is an attempt to qualify or segment and being used as of press time. the new digital era has enabled brands to selectively target their customers that may potentially be interested in their brand or based on previous browsing interests. business can now use social media to select the age range, location, gender and interest of whom they would like their targeted post to be seen by . furthermore, based on a customer's recent search history they can be followed on the internet so they see advertisement from similar brands products and services .this allows business to target the specific customers that they know and feel will most benefit from their product or service something that had limited capabilities up until the digital era.


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