mp online was founded in July 2006 it was a portal organized in Madhya Pradesh provided the facility for transacting with government offices through the internet the service delivery is subject to the acts and rules to establish by the government from time to time.
in this, the government can provide electronic services are in accordance and compliance with it act 2000. if anyone can apply on the than it has the option to create a user profile and transact on the website this will enable the user for future use or else can transact as guest user it would be considered that you have to agree the mponline terms and conditions mp online have the right to deactivate and cancel all services requested by you without any notice government performance of this agreement is subjected to existing laws and legal processes of government has the right to comply with law enforcement request or requirements relating to the use of this portal or information provided to or gathered by mponline portal with respect to such use.                                                                                                                                

Visions of mponline LTD

  • Provide citizen services at their doorstep with special emphasis on the rural community.
  • Avoid citizens to visit the government offices.
  • Government services available anywhere and anytime.
  • Transparency between citizens and government.
  • Contain delays in the decision.
  • Reduction in transaction cost.
  • Least interface between government and citizen.
  • An opportunity for gainful employment across the state.

Mp online services

Currently, mponline portal holds more than 250 plus services of various department sizes for the convenience of the citizens. services related to academics are:
  • Enrolment forms.
  • Examination and supplementary exam forms.
  • Answer boo request.
  • Re- totaling revaluation.
  • Result display
  • Marksheet generation and printing.

Counseling services

Mp online introduced online counseling for the first time in the state Thus revolutionizing the entire concept of counseling.

Online assessment services

This year mponline has ventured into an altogether fresh line of business which is an online assessment examination.
  • Conducting online test capacity to hold the examination for 35,000 candidates simultaneously.
  • Online evaluation of the descriptive papers.
  • Questions bank management software which helps in creating millions of questions for online testing
  • Spontaneous results and scores.
Miscellaneous services – include a wide plethora of various services of immense value to the citizens. For example – hotel and bus booking, etc.
Business to citizen service – includes the utility bills payment services, life insurance premium payment, etc.


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