periscope used in social media

Periscope marketing is the new feature in social periscope marketing, you can see the people live on your android phones anytime and it seems like every platform has a live video system. And there was an app that also present in your mobile phones to video call it was great to see the people in video calls but sometimes it was a network error that we could not connect it.periscope marketing can also help the people to see them live on google locations where the destination is, and they can also connect and share with others people also periscope marketing can give a big platform to social media users. It has a very great impact on social media. And this feature was added individually on the social media apps people can use too much WhatsApp and ts has a feature of video call firstly the WhatsApp is popular to chat but today it has too many features to use you also share your location on WhatsApp.on Facebook, you can share your everyday data but now it has come facebook Messenger to talk to others also and you can start a live chat with people. Periscope marketing has become too popular nowadays it is very helpful in meeting the other’s has taken a very big advantage to social media users.

Why we use periscope

Video is a great tool to gain more attraction on twitter as well as other platforms. It stands out in a feed quickly. This is best especially to get more followers on twitter. Twitter benefits aside knowing how to use periscope for marketing has advantage of its own since periscope has different live videos on their home page you can find new followers who are interested to see your content and your business the ability to interact with a video as its being broadcast is exciting and dynamic so you could get great interactions with new users. Periscope is a live video platform linked to twitter. Both viewers and video creators can share the broadcast to twitter for increased exposure. With video holding so much currency folding periscope into your marketing strategy could bolster the result of your Twitter campaigns. Since twitter owns periscope the two services are very integrated you can tweet a link to your live broadcast video just in one tap. It is very difficult to generate consistent engagement on the platform even when you’re using tones of practices to optimize for it. fortunately, here is one tool that helps drive engagement more quickly that is the scope.

How periscope has been used for business

It has been more than a decade since social media became a common fixture in our lives. But the way we use social media in late 2015 looks very little like I dd in late 2006. As our mobile devices have become ever more powerful social; it increasingly became an in the movement activity and social networks and users are using live video features if you are not using periscope for business its times to get on board on social media platforms. More importantly, recent survey from trusted, media brands found that 65 percent of the marketers think social networks are more important than other platforms like YouTube for their video campaigns and then 89 percent of the marketers think about live streaming video in the next year think about for the movement if you are not thinking of live video you have set yourself up to be left behind. Brands have to step up their periscope majorly in 2015. Most of the ones that took advantage of the new and rising live video platform for their marketing campaigns. It gives a platform to business and social media users.


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