buisness communication

Business communication is a process of transfer of information and understanding parts of people of business organization it consists of various models and media involved in communication interchanged. or we can say it is a process of understanding messages send by the persons who are associated with the business.

Characteristics of business communication are ;

  • Communication is a universal element in the management process it is essential in all the functions of management it is planning organizing staffing directing controlling.
  • It is a continuous and essential process in the existence of the organization.
  • The communication process aims at creating mutual understanding in the organization.
  • Communication may be upwards downwards and horizontal.
  • Communication is a universal process.
  • To transfer the order and direction.

The objective of business communication

  • To establish coordination between the employees.
  • Development of employees.
  • Increase in morale.
  • Increase in production.
  • To implement the ideas.

Why business communication is important?

Communication helps managers in performing each of these roles effectively in interpersonal roles managers interact with superiors peer and subordinate informational roles they receive and give information to people inside and outside the organization in the decisional roles several studies have revealed that most of the mangers spend about three -fourth of their time in communicating with others through communication the manager informs the employee about what they have to do and how the work has to be done.

What is effective communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of every business because when a message or information flows from the sender to the receiver then a part of sender behavior also flows from it. a sender will be effective only when he gets success in achieving his objectives which means when a sender is successful in leaving the desired effect on the receiver. The whole communication process should be clear, precise, meaningful, and should not be on average. Its last stage of feedback should be complete and favorable.some principles of effective communication are ;
  • Principle of clarity.
  • Principle of completeness.
  • Principle of communication.
  • Principle of integrity.
  • Principle of strategy.
  • Principle of timeliness.
  • The rule of five.

What do you understand by the communication process?

Communication is the process of the main components which are sender, message, channel, receiver, and response. The process of communication involves two parties a sender and a receiver who interact with a common frame of business. The process of transmission and communication does not complete unless the received understanding is known through his response. That is why communication is regarded as a two-way process. It includes a sending of a message and that the response of that message. Thus, the key elements of a communication process may be summarized as.
  • Transmission of information and understanding two-way communication.
  • There must be some channel or machine for such transmission

Elements of the communication process ;

  • Sender- the person who initiates the communication process is normally referred to as the sender. A sender wishes to send a message to the receiver.
  • Message- Message is the encoded idea transmitted by the sender. The formulation of a message is very important for an incorrect patterning that can turn the receiver hostile.
  • ENCODING-encoding is the process by which the sender converts the idea into a message by using verbal or non-verbal mediums of communication. These can be word signs signals gestures symbols etc.
  • Transmission channel- channel is the vehicle that carries a message to the receiver.
  • Receiver- the receiver is any individual to whom the message has been transmitted.if the message does not reach the sender the communication has not taken place.
  • Decoding- decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets the message and transform it into meaningful information.
  • Feedback- Feedback is the receiver’s response to the sender’s message. The response can be verbal as well as nonverbal.
  • Noise- noise is any disturbance that occurs reduces or confuses the clarity or quality of the message that has been transmitted.
Communication is the transmission of a message from one person to another communication links a person to another. The atmosphere assumptions and limitations under which communication takes place are called the theory of communication thus a theory of communication is an outline of communication message.http://debinfo.com/business-communication/


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